Balashwagandhalakshadi Taila
Product Info
- Bala
- Ashwagandha
- Usheer
- Musta
- LakshaKwath
- Dadhimastu
- RasnaKalk
- Chandan
- Manjishtha
- Durva
- Yashtimadhu
- Kachur
- Sariva
- Kushtha
- Agaru
- Devdaru
- Haridra
- Kumudkand
- Renuka
- Sauf
- Padmakesar
- Murchhit Til taila
Uses and properties:
- Useful in all types of Jwar (febrile illnesses), Unmad(psychological illnesses), Kshaya (emaciation), Kaasa.
- When used externally for Snehan, it acts on all types of Vaataroga.
- It is Bruhan (nourisher), Mansadhatuposhan (nourishes muscles), and is Dhatupushtikar (strengthens body elements).
Indications: Baalshosh, Vaatarog.
Dose: As required.
Use: Basti, Snehan.
Presentation: 500 ml; 1 ltr. & 5 ltr.