Panchtikta Ghrit

Product Info


  • Nimbatwak
  • Patol
  • Kantakari
  • Vasa
  • Guduchi
  • Goghrit
  • Triphala

Uses and properties:

  • Useful in all types of Kushtha (skin diseases), Arsh (hemorrhoids), Jwar, Vaata-Pitta-Kapha Roga.
  • Gives quick relief in Drushtavrana (infected wound), Krumirog (worm infestation), Tvak-Vaivarnya (depigmented skin), Pittavrudhhi, Daha (burning sensation).
  • It has shown good result in diseases caused by vitiation of Rakta and Twak.
  • Shows excellent result in Asthigat Vikar, severe pain, Keshpatan (hairfall); when used in Basti treatment.

Indications: Twakvikar, Vaatavyadhi.

Dose: As required.

Use: Internal administration, Basti.

Presentation: 200 g, 500 g, 1 kg.