Rambana Rasa
Product Info
- Shudhha Parad
- Shudhha Gandhak
- Shudhha Vatsanabh
- Laung
- Marich
- Jaayphal
Uses and properties:
- It is excellent Dipan-Pachan-Grahi medication.
- Useful in newly developed Aamsangrahani, Atisara due to Ajeerna, Aamvaata, Mandagni, Shwas (breathlessness / asthma), Kasa, Jwar (febrile illness), Vaman(emesis), Krumi.
- Absorbs Abdhatu (aqueous element) from Koshtha.
- Purifies toxic elements through Mutra (urine) &Sweda (sweat).
- Increases digestive capacity, thereby eliminating diseases due to Aam.
Triturated with: Imli Swaras.
Indications: Ajeerna, Aamdosha, Mandagni.
Weight per tablet: 250 mg.
Dose: 2 tab twice daily.
Anupan: Buttermilk, lukewarm water.
Presentation: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 Kg.