Garbhapal Rasa
Product Info
- Shudhha Hingul
- Naga Bhasma
- Vanga Bhasma
- Trijaat
- Trikatu
- Dhanyak
- Kala Jeera
- Chavya
- Mrudvika
- Devdaru
- Loha Bhasma
- Shwet Aparajita
Uses and properties:
- It is a very famous formulation for obstetric disorders.
- Hingul used in this formulation is Yogavahi (carries properties of other compounds) and Rasayan (rejuvenator).
- Naga and Vanga in this formulation is good nourisher of uterus.
- Trijaat, Jeerak, Mrudvika are Pittashamak (calms down viatiatedPitta Dosha), Balya.
- LohaBhasma acts as hematinic.
- ShwetAparajita is Garbhasthapak (maintains pregnancy), Garbhashayaposhak (nourishes uterus), NaadiBaladayak (nourishes CNS system).
Indications: Garbhstrava (miscarriage), Garbhapata (Abortions)
Weight per tablet: 250 mg.
Dose: 2 tab twice a day.
Anupan: GuduchiSatva, Honey, fresh milk.
Presentation: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 Kg.