Sukshmatriphala Vati

Product Info


  • Kajjali
  • Amlaki
  • Haritaki
  • Bibhitaki

Uses and properties:

  • Excellent medicine for vision, useful in all types of ophthalmic ailments.
  • Useful in Vaataj, Pittaj and Kaphaj types of Netraroga (eye disorders), Netrastrava (epiphora), Netrakanda.
  • Kajjali acts as antimicrobial, Yogavahi (working as vector of properties), Sukshma Strotogami (enters into micro channels).
  • Along with eye disorders, it is used in all types of Urdhwajatrugat Vikar (diseases affecting head region), Shirshool, Karnashool, Amlapitta, Udaradaha.

Triturated with: Cow milk.

Indication: Netrarog (eye diseases) and other infective disorders

Weight per tablet: 250 mg.

Dose: 2 tab twice a day.

Anupan: Goat milk.

Presentation: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 Kg.