Narayan Churna
Product Info
- Ajmoda
- Dhaanyak
- Kachur
- Vacha
- Pippalimula
- Sunth
- Marich
- Triphala
- Sarjikshar
- Lavanpanchak
- Dantimula
- Indrayana
- Rhiber
- Shatpushpa
- Kalunji
- Krushnajeerak
- Chitrakmula
- Shwetjeerak
- Pippali
- Yavakshar
- Kushtha
- Vidanga
- Trivrutta
Uses and properties:
- Excellent laxative medicine.
- Chronic constipation, anemia, Aam (toxic debris of human body), Aadhman(flatulence), Udavrta, Vaatroga (diseases due to alleviated VaataDosha), Aamvata (Rheumatoid arthritis), Bhagandar (Fistula in ano), Jalodar (dropsy) etc.
- Skin diseases, JeernaJwar (chronic febrile illnesses), Agnimandya, Vishaprakopa (toxic effects), Pittavrudhhi (diseases due to alleviated Pitta Dosha), Kapharoga ( diseases due to alleviated KaphaDosha) etc.
Indications: Jalodar (dropsy), Gulma, Vaataroga.
Dose: 2-4 g early morning.
Anupan: Udarrog (dropsy) – Takra (Buttermilk), Gulma – BadarKwath (decoction of Indian berry), Aanah – Suramand (type of fermented preparation), Vaatarog – Prasanna (type of fermented medication), Constipation – clarified water from curd, Arsha (hemorhhoids) – pomegranate juice, abdominal colic – Vrikshamla decoction, Ajeerna (indigestion) – lukewarm water.
Presentation: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg.