VOMIL Tablets

General Details

Vomiting may result due to consumption of toxins, or poisons, uremia, malaria, cerebral tumors, meningitis, cholera, diseases of stomach like ulcers, cancer, dialation, dyspepsia, reflex from pregnancy, uterine or ovarian diseases, worms, binary colic, intestinal obstruction, motion, sickness, nervous affections such as hysteria and migraine.

Vomil tablets and Capsules are good adjuvant medicines for controlling vomiting.



Pipli (Piper longum)

Sounth (Zingiber officinale)

Actions and Uses:

  • Pipli- Useful in checking nausea, relives acidity and flatulence and dyspepsia.
  • Sounth (Z. officinale) Stimulates appetite and relieves motion sickness, control flatulence and vomiting. Acts as a digestive.


Nausea & vomitting of Pregnancy, Indigestion, , Travel or Motion sickness, Vomitting of toxic due to worm or Whooping Cough.

Side Effects: Nil in therapeutic doses.


Children – 1 tablet T.D.S.

Adult – 2 tablets T.D.S.

For pregnant women- 2 crushed tablets + 1 lavang  with Pudin Hara – 4 drops in half cup of water at bed time.

Presentation: 100 Tablets Pack.